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v5 Education Organization Calendar > Sessions Scenarios

The Education Organization Calendar interchange carries school calendar information. It can be used to exchange school calendar data, including instructional days, sessions, and grading periods.

The Session entity represents the prescribed span of time when an education institution is open, instruction is provided and students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or education institution administration. A session may be interrupted by one or more vacations.


  • School
  • GradingPeriod


  1. Create a Fall Semester Session which references the first and second six week grading periods for Grand Bend Elementary School

  2. Create a Fall Semester Session which references the first and second six week grading periods for Grand Bend High School

  3. Update the End Date and totalInstructionalDays on the newly added Session  for Grand Bend Elementary School

  4. Update the End Date and totalInstructionalDays on the newly added Session  for Grand Bend High School

ResourceProperty NameIs CollectionData TypeRequiredScenario 1 POSTScenario 2 POSTScenario 3 PUTScenario 4 PUT
schoolYearTypeReferenceschoolYearFALSEIntegerREQUIRED[Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year]
SessionstermDescriptorFALSEtermDescriptorREQUIREDFall SemesterFall SemesterFall SemesterFall Semester
SessionssessionNameFALSEstringREQUIRED2016-2017 Fall Semester2016-2017 Fall Semester2016-2017 Fall Semester2016-2017 Fall Semester
SessionsbeginDateFALSEdateREQUIRED[Current School Year]-08-23[Current School Year]-08-23[Current School Year]-08-23[Current School Year]-08-23
SessionsendDateFALSEdateREQUIRED[Current School Year]-12-15[Current School Year]-12-15[Current School Year]-12-16[Current School Year]-12-16
SessionstotalInstructionalDaysFALSEIntegerREQUIRED[System calculated value | 88][System calculated value | 88][Previous system calculated value + 1 | 89][Previous system calculated value + 1 | 89]
SessionsgradingPeriodsTRUEsessionGradingPeriod[]REQUIREDSee GradingPeriodReference elements below - note there are 2 grading period references for the Fall Semester Session.
gradingPeriodReferencegradingPeriodDescriptorFALSEgradingPeriodDescriptorREQUIREDFirst Six WeeksFirst Six WeeksFirst Six WeeksFirst Six Weeks
gradingPeriodReferenceschoolYearFALSEIntegerREQUIRED[Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year]
gradingPeriodReferencegradingPeriodDescriptorFALSEgradingPeriodDescriptorREQUIREDSecond Six WeeksSecond Six WeeksSecond Six WeeksSecond Six Weeks
gradingPeriodReferenceschoolYearFALSEIntegerREQUIRED[Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year][Current School Year]