3 - Create a New Common
The design of a MetaEd model requires a new common.
Create a new common in the MetaEd source files and reference it where necessary. Build MetaEd. All technical artifacts related to the new common will be updated.
Commons represent a collection of properties in a reusable form. This type is included in other entities' property sets with the common keyword. Properties that include commons are generated in the ODS as separate tables that are dependent upon the entity that defined the property. If the common defines one or more properties as is part of primary key, then the type can be used in properties marked as being collections.
Consider the following declaration:
InternationalAddress is a new common defined with an existing enumeration AddressType as a primary key. This allows the use of the common in a collection on an entity.
Now consider a usage of the new common InternationalAddress:
Here, a reference to common InternationalAddress has been added to EducationOrganization. The common keyword is used for that purpose and in this case, EducationOrganization is modeled to optionally have a collection of InternationalAddresses.