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Version: 5

Assessment Registration Domain - Overview

Key Entities​

The key entities in the Assessment Registration domain are:

  • An AssessmentAdministration entity that is to store data for the administration of an assessment. It has references to AssigningEducationOrganization and Assessment entities, and tracks information relating to AdministrationIdentifier, AssessmentAdministrationPeriod and AssessmentBatteryPart entities in the domain.
  • An AssessmentAdministrationParticipation entity that is to identify the point of contact within the Educational Organization who takes role in the administration of the assessment. The entity has references to the AssessmentAdministration and ParticipatingEducationOrganization entities.
  • A StudentAssessmentRegistration entity that identifies a assessment registration where student is expected to participate in a particular assessment administration. The entity is to store information on the type of the platform the assessment will be delivered at, for what grade-level content student will be assessed, accommodation(s) a student will be provided at the assessment delivery and key-value pairs used for the customization of an assessment. The entity has references to AssessmentAdministration, TestingEducationOrganization, ReportingEducationOrganization and StudentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodation entities, and StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation as well as StudentSchoolAssociation.
  • An AssessmentBatteryPart entity that defines the parts organized for administering the assessment for a comprehensive assessment of the student. It has reference to Assessment and the ObjectiveAssessment.
  • A StudentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodation entity that is to store information on the accommodation(s) student is expected to receive during the delivery of the assessment as determined by the education organization. The entity has reference to EducationOrganization and Student.
  • And a StudentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociation that is to store one to one relation between AssessmentBattery and StudentAssessmentRegistration.

Key Concepts​

The Assessment Registration domain defines the entities and associations to support SEAs and LEAs register students to take an assessment and share student registration data with the assessment vendor. The domain addresses a variety of assessments where there needs to be a protocol for education organization to communicate administration and student registrations to the assessment vendor in a timely manner.

Key concepts of the domain are as follows.

Assessment refers to the wide variety of tests, methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.

The Ed-Fi Assessment domain defines the details for capturing the metadata about an assessment and the students’ scores and results. The Assessment Registration domain addresses the administration of an assessment and the registration of students for assessments developed by assessment vendors and administered to large populations of students.

Assessment Administration refers to the broad range of activities to procure, organize, deliver, and score an assessment for a population of students. Assessment administration determines the population of target students; the assessment window dates when the assessment will be delivered; the schools that will participate in delivering and proctoring the assessment; computer availability and setup with the appropriate network connectivity and security for online assessments; the logistics of registering students and communicating registrations to the assessment vendor; range of assessment accommodations required for special needs students; and the logistics of scoring and providing assessment results back to the education organizations.

The Education Organizations involved in administering an assessment may vary with the following roles defined:

  • Assigning Education Organization which is primarily responsible for administering an assessment.
  • Participating Education Organization which is secondarily involved in administering the assessment. For example, the SEA may be the assigning organization, and the LEAs may be the participating organizations.
  • Testing Education Organization delivers or proctors the assessment to students.
  • Reporting Education Organization identifies which education organization should receive the results of the assessment.

Assessment Battery Part is a module or grouping of assessment tests or questions for delivery to students. Assessment battery parts may be taken at different times, may be scored separately or differently, may be taken by different sets of students, or may require different assessment logistics or accommodations.

Assessment battery parts may be organized by subject, may be associated with the ObjectiveAssessment metadata, or organized by other criteria.

Assessment Accommodations are changes in the way assessments are designed or delivered to respond to the special needs of students with disabilities or English learners (EL) that cannot effectively take regular assessments. Assessment accommodations may vary depending on the assessment battery part, for example, needing the use of a translator for ELA, or use of a calculator for Mathematics. Some special education students may need modifications to the assessment to take an assessment.