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DELETE Requests

An HTTP DELETE deletes an existing individual resource. DELETE is a required verb for non-read-only Resources.

Request URLs

The URL must end with a unique identifier for the given item to be replaced. A DELETE request could support query string parameters in the form of the natural key that uniquely identifies the item to be modified.


The Ed-Fi Alliance's ODS/API Platform does not support deletes by natural key, though other implementations could choose to do so.

Request Headers

If the application supports ETags, then the application must support the If-Match request header. Example:

If-Match: 5250159352800270276

Request Body

DELETE requests do not have a request body.

Response Body

DELETE requests do not have a response body.

Applicable Status Codes

The following status codes must be supported for DELETEresponses:

Status CodeMeaningWhen to Use
204AcceptedThe item was deleted.
401UnauthorizedThe request requires authentication. The OAuth bearer token was either not provided or is invalid.
403ForbiddenThe request cannot be completed in the current authorization context.
404NotFoundThe resource could not be found.
405Not AllowedSpecial cases where a verb is not allowed, for example in a read-only API.
409ConflictThe request cannot be completed because it would result in an invalid state.
500Server ErrorAn unhandled error occurred on the server.

If ETags are supported, then code 412 (Precondition Failed) must also be supported, when the item's current server-side ETag value does not match the supplied If-Match header value in the request.

Other HTTP status codes may be used as needed for specific situations.