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Discovery API

The default response when retrieving the base endpoint on an Ed-Fi implementation must be a JSON document that provides information about the application version, supported data model(s), and URLs for additional metadata. Historically, this root-level metadata resource was informally known as the "version endpoint". It is now formally called the Discovery API.


The Discovery API is completely described in an Open API 3 specification document This specification document describes the required and optional features in detail. The guidance below supplements the specification file by providing additional context.

The following sample JSON demonstrates a typical example of the document:

"version": "7.1",
"informationalVersion": "7.1",
"suite": "3",
"build": "7.1.1294.0",
"dataModels": [
"name": "Ed-Fi",
"version": "5.0.0",
"informationalVersion": "The Ed-Fi Data Model 5.0"
"name": "TPDM",
"version": "1.1.0",
"informationalVersion": "TPDM-Core"
"urls": {
"dependencies": "",
"openApiMetadata": "",
"oauth": "",
"dataManagementApi": ""

The example above is based on the version 1.0 specification, used by the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform. New Ed-Fi API implementations are encouraged to look into the modifications in the draft version 2.0.

Root-Level Information

The root-level information (in this example, version, informationalVersion, suite, and build) describes the deployed application. If the application complies with these design guidelines and the relevant API specification, then most client applications should not need to know which server application it is communicating with. However, this information can be valuable when debugging the client-server interaction.

Data Models

This section lists all of the Data Models that are served by this API application. This must include the core Ed-Fi (Unifying) Data Model. Other models listed are the extensions that a given deployment implements. The example above shows the core Teacher Preparation Data Model (TPDM) extension.


The Ed-Fi extension framework is defined elsewhere. All implementations that include extensions should follow the extension framework guidance as supplementary to this guide.

URLs Section

The URLs section helps client applications discover for themselves how to interact with the Ed-Fi API application. All listed URLS must be absolute, not relative. The most common URLs are further described in the following sections.

The optional values listed below represent features of the the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform. Other applications can add their own URLs as needed.

"xsdMetadata": "",
"changeQueries": "",
"composites": "",
"identity": ""


All implementations of an Ed-Fi API must expose an endpoint for dependency metadata. This endpoint will provide developers with the data needed to load resources in the appropriate order. A client application should read the exact URL to the dependencies from the urls section of the root Discovery document, rather than hard-code the location.

The endpoint must have a JSON implementation and may have an optional a GraphML implementation. A sample of the JSON output is below:

"resource": "/ed-fi/absenceEventCategoryDescriptors",
"order": 1,
"operations": [
"resource": "/ed-fi/academicHonorCategoryDescriptors",
"order": 1,
"operations": [

"resource": "/tpdm/surveySectionResponsePersonTargetAssociations",
"order": 22,
"operations": [


An Ed-Fi API implementation should declare itself in OpenAPI; the version of OpenAPI is up to the implementation. The OpenAPI specification must be a faithful representation of all available resources supported by the API. A given API application might support multiple specifications, for example one for the core Ed-Fi data model resources, and one for Ed-Fi descriptors. The specifications provided by an API application must be consistent with the official Ed-Fi API Specifications.


The OAuth URL must be provided; it is the URL used by clients for token authentication. The URL is not required to be on the same base address, i.e. it could be hosted on another server or by a third party.


This required URL represents the base path for constructing the full Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) (URL) to a given resource. To this base path, a client appends the data model namespace. For example, the /ed-fi/students resource can be reached at the URL formed by combining the dataManagementApi URL with the resource information. From the example above, this yields the URL While the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform uses "data/v3" in the URL, other implementations can use different path segments.


The following note about a specific implementation problem is shared to help other implementations of an Ed-Fi API avoid making similar mistakes. In versions of the Ed-Fi ODS/API Platform prior to 7.x, there were modes of operation that added another segment to the path, for example a school year. In those modes of operation, an API client could not rely solely on the dataManagementApi URL to determine the correct base address. This was changed in ODS/API 7.x with its new multi-tenancy modes. A single tenant's base URL is itself a proper Discovery document: thus, the hosting provider would give the vendor the specific tenant URL, not the root URL for the deployment.

Application Settings

The Discovery API 2.0 specifications will introduce a section for listing application settings that could be useful for client application self-discovery. These may include standard settings such as:

  • Default page size for GET requests.

  • Case sensitivity.

  • ETags support.

  • ... and more.


These settings will not be backported to version 1 of the Discovery API specification.