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Used to look up performance results for a candidate

SQL Object Name


Data Definition and Sources

ColumnData TypeSourceDescription
CandidateKeynvarcharCandidateThe unique key that describes a candidate
EvaluationDatedateEvaluationElementRatingResultThe date the evaluation was given
PerformanceEvaluationTitlenvarcharEvaluationElementRatingResultThe title evaluation the candidate was given
EvaluationObjectiveTitlenvarcharEvaluationObjectiveThe title of the objective the candidate is being rated on
EvaluationElementTitlenvarcharEvaluationElementRatingResultThe title of the sub objective the candidate is being rated on
RatingResultTitlenvarcharEvaluationElementRatingResultAn identifier for the rating result of the evaluation
Ratingdecimal (6,3)EvaluationElementRatingResultThe numeric rating value for the evaluation given to a candidate