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Used to look up survey responses to Self report style surveys (i.e. surveys taken by a candidate about that candidates experience with an aspect of the program they are enrolled in)

SQL Object Nameโ€‹


Data Definition and Sourcesโ€‹

ColumnData TypeSourceDescription



The unique key that describes the survey response(s) provided by the candidate
CandidateKeynvarcharCandidateThe unique key that describes a candidate
SurveyTitlenvarcharSurveyThe title of the survey taken
SurveySectionTitlenvarcharSurveyQuestionThe title of the section the question belongs to
ResponseDateKeynvarcharSurveyResponseThe date the survey was taken by the candidate
QuestionCodevarcharCandidateThe unique identifier for the question being asked
QuestionTextnvarcharCandidateThe text of the question being asked
TextResponsebitSurveyQuestionResponseSurveyQuestionMatrixElementResponseThe response of the question being asked. It is generally preferred that this be a response from a set of pre-defined responses (i.e. a Likert Scale). A predefined set of responses is required for the Clinical Experience and Performance Starter Kit
NumericResponsebitCandidateThe numerical representation of the above TextResponse. Allows for ordering of the survey responses in the Clinical Experience and Performance Starter Kit.


1 =ย Very much like me

2 = Mostly like me

3 = Somewhat like me