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v5 Education Organization > Location Scenarios

This entity represents the physical space where students gather for a particular class/section. The Location may be an indoor or outdoor area designated for the purpose of meeting the educational needs of students.


  • None


  1. Create a classroom Location for Grand Bend Elementary School
  2. Create a classroom Location for Grand Bend High School
  3. Update the maximumNumberOfSeats on the newly added Grand Bend Elementary School location
  4. Update the maximumNumberOfSeats on the newly added Grand Bend High School location
ResourceProperty NameIs CollectionData TypeRequired / OptionalScenario 1: POSTScenario 2: POSTScenario 3: PUTScenario 4: PUT
LocationsclassroomIdentificationCodeFALSEstringREQUIRED["501" if possible
| system value]
["901" if possible
| system value]
["501" if possible
| system value]
["901" if possible
| system value]