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v5 Student Discipline > DisciplineIncident Scenarios

This interchange defines discipline incidents and discipline actions.

DisciplineIncident: This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery). A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.


  • Student
  • Staff
  • Enrollment


  1. Create a School Code of Conduct Discipline event for an elementary school student.
  2. Create a State Offense Discipline event for a high school student.
  3. Update the reporter name on the elementary school incident.
  4. Update the incident location for the high school incident.

Additional Requirements for behavior requirements:

  • A discipline incident Behavior may be recorded either at the Discipline Incident level or at the Student Discipline Incident Association level.
ResourceProperty NameIs CollectionData TypeRequired / OptionalScenario 1: POSTScenario 2: POSTScenario 3: PUTScenario 4: PUT
DisciplineIncidentsincidentDateFALSEdateREQUIRED9/25/[Current School Year]9/25/[Current School Year]9/25/[Current School Year]9/25/[Current School Year]
DisciplineIncidentsincidentIdentifierFALSEstringREQUIRED["1" if possible | system value]["2" if possible | system value]["1" if possible | system value]["2" if possible | system value]
disciplineIncidentBehaviorsbehaviorDescriptorFALSEbehaviorDescriptorREQUIREDSchool Code of ConductState OffenseSchool Code of ConductState Offense
DisciplineIncidentsincidentLocationDescriptorFALSEincidentLocationDescriptorREQUIREDSchool busLibrary/media centerSchool busClassroom
DisciplineIncidentsreporterNameFALSEstringREQUIREDLoyo, JohnSmith, JaneVilla, MarkSmith, Jane