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Version: 7.3

How To: Use an External Cache Provider for the Ed-Fi API

By default, the Ed-Fi ODS / API uses an internal memory cache in order to increase the performance when mapping URIs for descriptors, and UniqueIds for staff, students and parents to their ODS-specific surrogate id values. Β Ed-Fi ODS / API also provides an optional feature to use an external cache provider; currently Redis is the only option available out of the box. Using an external provider can prevent cached data on multiple servers from getting out of sync and be more cost effective. For information on getting started with Redis Cache check out:

Before configuring the ODS / API for external caching, you should consider the following:

  • The frequency with which the cached data is accessed
  • The size of the cached data in memory
  • The number of ODS contexts to be served by the API

For example, consider a paged request for 500 items from the studentSchoolAssociations resource. The response will contain 1 student cache hit and up to 6 descriptor cache-hits per resource item (not counting the two child collections each with an additional descriptor cache hit per item in the collection). To serve this response, the student cache will be accessed 500 times, and the descriptor cache potentially another 3000+ times. Since accessing memory is orders of magnitude faster than accessing an external cache, use of an external cache will introduce some level of latency into the response times. Deployments with a scalable tier of API servers, repeated in-memory caching may not be cost efficient, especially for larger sets of cached data. Also, if the API serves many ODS contexts, use of in-memory caching could result in high memory usage in the API process.

The following guidance is provided to help such a decision and may not be accurate for all deployment scenarios:

  • The descriptor cache (which maps descriptor URIs to ODS-specific descriptor Ids) is relatively small and also the most frequently accessed. Thus, this is less likely to be a candidate for external caching. However, if the API serves many different ODS contexts, this would need to be factored into the decision.
  • The staff cache (which maps StaffUniqueIds to ODS-specific USIs) represents the smallest cache size of the person types (there will be a lot fewer staff than students or parents), and the access frequency is also likely to be on the lower side. The decision here is more nuanced.
  • The student cache (which maps StudentUniqueIds to ODS-specific USIs) is probably the next largest in size. Student data is also frequently encountered in the payloads. Thus, with a larger data set and higher volume of access, the decision here needs to be based on the specific deployment scenario, factoring in the total number of non-unique students served across all ODS contexts weighed against the relatively higher cache usage.
  • The parent cache (which maps ParentUniqueIds to ODS-specific USIs) probably represents the largest cache size (considering there are one or more parents per student on average), but since parents are rarely included in the payloads this could actually be a candidate for disabling the caching completely, or at least using the external cache to relieve memory pressure on the API processes. Cache Configuration to use External Cache. "Parent" entity was changed to "Contact" in data standard 5, therefore this setting only applies to data standard version 4 and below and has no affect on data standard version 5 and above.
  • The contact cache (which maps ContactUniqueIds to ODS-specific USIs) probably represents the largest cache size (considering there are one or more contacts per student on average), but since contacts are rarely included in the payloads this could actually be a candidate for disabling the caching completely, or at least using the external cache to relieve memory pressure on the API processes. Cache Configuration to use External Cache. "Parent" entity was changed to "Contact" in data standard 5, therefore this setting only applies to data standard version 5 and above and has no affect on data standard version 4 and below.

Configuration of caching to use external cache can be set for each cacheable resource.Β  Any cacheable resource that is configured with "UseExternalCache": false will use the default internal in-memory cache.

In order to use the external cache feature, update the following values in appsettings.jsonΒ :

  • Set external cache - cache provider:
    • Only "Redis" is supported
  • Set external cache configuration
    • Redis
      • Configuration - Comma separated list of host and ports
      • Password (optional) AUTH Password
  • Configure which cacheable resource to use external cache for:
    1. ApiClientDetails
    2. Descriptors
    3. PersonUniqueIdToUsiCache

Default Caching configuration​

Default External Cache Settings​

"Caching": {
"ExternalCacheProvider": "",
"Descriptors": {
"UseExternalCache": false,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 1800
"PersonUniqueIdToUsi": {
"UseExternalCache": false,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 0,
"SlidingExpirationSeconds": 14400,
"UseProgressiveLoading": false,
"CacheSuppression": {
"Student": false,
"Staff": false,
"Parent": false,
"Contact": false
"ApiClientDetails": {
"UseExternalCache": false,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 900
"Security": {
"AbsoluteExpirationMinutes": 10
"Services": {
"Redis": {
"Configuration": ""

Example Caching Configuration using Redis​

Redis Cache Settings​

"Caching": {
"ExternalCacheProvider": "Redis",
"Descriptors": {
"UseExternalCache": false,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 1800
"PersonUniqueIdToUsi": {
"UseExternalCache": true,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 0,
"SlidingExpirationSeconds": 14400,
"UseProgressiveLoading": false,
"CacheSuppression": {
"Student": false,
"Staff": false,
"Parent": false,
"Contact": false
"ApiClientDetails": {
"UseExternalCache": true,
"AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 900
"Security": {
"AbsoluteExpirationMinutes": 10
"Services": {
"Redis": {
"Configuration": "localhost"

Setting up Redis distributed cache​

See theΒ Redis Getting Started documentation for more information on managing Redis.


The following GitHub link contains docker setup file for testing with Redis and Redis-Commander.