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Version: 7.3

Single/Multi Tenant Installation Steps

This section describes how to set up the Ed-Fi ODS / API in single/multi tenant mode. Before you proceed, make sure you have installed the prerequisites listed in Getting Started - Binary Installation.

Step 1. Download the Ed-Fi ODS / API Installer Packages

The Ed-Fi ODS / API installation packages can be downloaded from the following links:

The required release packages to install the Ed-Fi ODS / API can be found at the links below. We recommend you stay current with the latest patch update that has been promoted to release.

For each of the downloads, right-click and select "Properties." Update the file extension (from .nupkg to .zip). Remove the version number (optional). Check the box next to Unblock (this will prevent PowerShell from asking for permission to load every module in the installer) and click OK.

Package Properties

Enable TLS 1.2

You may need to configure TLS while running the installation scripts described in steps below.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol += [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Long Paths

File paths can become lengthy within the ODS/API package components. In Windows, this may cause errors during deployment. To mitigate this, consider extracting the packages close to the root directory (e.g., C:\temp) while running the installation steps below. Doing so minimizes the risk of encountering excessively long file paths. Alternatively, you can enable long paths in Windows.

Step 2. Install the Ed-Fi Databases

Extract the contents of the EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases package. The paths in these instructions assume that the package was extracted to a folder with the name of the package (e.g., C:\temp\EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases).

Edit the configuration.json File

There are several settings in the configuration file that are left empty as they depend on whether you are opting of SQL Server or PostgreSQL backend. Update the settings by consulting the samples provided below.

"ConnectionStrings": {
"EdFi_Ods": "server=(local);trusted_connection=True;database=EdFi_{0};Application Name=EdFi.Ods.WebApi",
"EdFi_Security": "server=(local);trusted_connection=True;database=EdFi_Security;persist security info=True;Application Name=EdFi.Ods.WebApi",
"EdFi_Admin": "server=(local);trusted_connection=True;database=EdFi_Admin;Application Name=EdFi.Ods.WebApi",
"EdFi_Master": "server=(local);trusted_connection=True;database=master;Application Name=EdFi.Ods.WebApi"
"InstallType": "SingleTenant",
"ApiSettings": {
"Engine": "SQLServer",
"MinimalTemplateScript": "TPDMCoreMinimalTemplate",
"PopulatedTemplateScript": "TPDMCorePopulatedTemplate"
Optional: custom extension Plugin deployment steps...

Copy your extension plugin to database deployment package

If you have an extension plugin package that you would like to be the deployed to Ed-Fi Databases, place the extracted contents of your extension plugin package in the extracted EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases package under Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Plugin folder.

File listing (partial)
├─ Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation/
│ ├─ Plugin/
│ ├─ [Your Extension Package Extract]/
│ ├─ homograph.ps1
│ ├─ profiles.sample.ps1
│ ├─ sample.ps1
│ ├─ tpdm.ps1

Enable your extension plugin in the deployment configuration

Edit the Plugin section of the configuration file and update the Folder and Scripts values to the following:

"Plugin": {
"Folder": "../../Plugin",
"Scripts": [

Run Installation Script

Open a PowerShell window in Administrator mode and navigate to the EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases package folder.

Run the following PowerShell command to load modules for installation:

Import-Module .\Deployment.psm1

Next, execute the following command in PowerShell:


Step 3. Install WebApi

Extract the contents of the EdFi.Suite3.Installer.WebApi package. The paths in these instructions assume that the package was extracted to a folder with the name of the package (e.g., C:\temp\EdFi.Suite3.Installer.WebApi).

Prepare Installation script

Open a PowerShell window in Administrator mode and navigate to the EdFi.Suite3.Installer.WebApi package folder. Run the following PowerShell command to load modules for installation:

Import-Module .\Install-EdFiOdsWebApi.psm1

The WebApi installer can take a number of parameters to tailor the installation experience (more examples can be found in the Install-EdFiOdsWebApi.psm1 file). At a minimum, database connection info is required.

Copy and modify the following parameter code to fit your connection information:

$parameters = @{
PackageVersion = "7.3.1574"
PackageName = "EdFi.Suite3.Ods.WebApi.Standard.5.2.0"
DbConnectionInfo = @{
UnEncryptedConnection = $true
Use of UnEncryptedConnection parameter

UnEncryptedConnection = $true will add Encrypt=false to the connection strings to mitigate a breaking change in the Microsoft.Data.SqlClient library. This setting is not recommended for production environments; for production environments, it is recommended to follow the steps to Install a valid certificate on the server.

Database logins created by the installer will have database server administrator rights

If more restrictive permissions are required, the database login used by the WebApi should be created manually before executing the installer.

To create a custom login for SQL Server:

  • If integrated security (param: UseIntegratedSecurity) is not enabled, a username and password must be provided in the database connection information (param: DbConnectionInfo) parameter(s)
  • If integrated security is enabled, the username provided must be a valid Windows user, or left undefined to use the default application pool identity
    • If using a custom Windows username, the application pool identity used by the WebApi needs to be manually updated to use the same Windows username after the installer has been executed

To create a custom login for Postgres:

  • If integrated security is not enabled, a username must be provided in the database connection information parameter(s). A password can be optionally specified
  • If integrated security is enabled, pg_ident.conf map needs to be updated to use the username provided

Examples can be found in the Install-EdFiOdsWebApi.psm1 file.

ODS Connection String Encryption

By default, an Encryption key will be generated using member New-AESKey from Install-EdFiOdsWebApi.psm1 module. If you need to override the value with an specific key, add OdsConnectionStringEncryptionKey parameter. Key must be 256 bits and base 64 encoded.


To enable Context-Based Routing for Year-Specific ODS, set a valid value for OdsContextRouteTemplate parameter. An example of a valid value is {schoolYear:range(2020,2030)} Where schoolYear is the Route section, and the range will accept values between 2020 and 2030

Paste the modified parameter code into your PowerShell window and hit Enter.

Run the Installation Script (Web API)

Run the following command in the PowerShell window:

Install-EdFiOdsWebApi @parameters
Optional: Click here to see custom extension Plugin deployment steps...

Copy your extension plugin to deployed WebAPI

If you have an extension plugin package that you would like to be the deployed to Ed-Fi WebApi, place the extracted contents of your extension plugin package in C:\inetpub\Ed-Fi\WebApi\Plugin folder.

File listing (partial)
├─ Ed-Fi/
│ ├─ WebApi/
│ ├─ Plugin/
│ ├─ [Your Extension Package Extract]

Enable your extension plugin in appsettings.json

Open the appsettings.json file found in C:\inetpub\Ed-Fi\WebApi.

Edit the Plugin section of the configuration file and update the Folder and Scripts values to the following:

"Plugin": {
"Folder": "./Plugin",
"Scripts": [

Step 4. Install Swagger

Extract the contents of the "EdFi.Suite3.Installer.SwaggerUI" package. The paths in these instructions assume that the package was extracted to a folder with the name of the package (e.g., C:\temp\EdFi.Suite3.Installer.SwaggerUI).

Prepare Installation Script

Open a PowerShell window in Administrator mode and navigate to the "EdFi.Suite3.Installer.SwaggerUI" folder. Run the following PowerShell command to load modules for installation:

Import-Module .\Install-EdFiOdsSwaggerUI.psm1

The Swagger UI installer can take a number of parameters to tailor the install experience (more examples can be found in the Install-EdFiOdsWebApi.psm1 file). At a minimum, WebAPI connection information is required.

Copy and modify the following parameter code to add your site name:

$parameters = @{
PackageVersion = "7.3.1277"
WebApiVersionUrl = "https://YOUR_SITE_OR_SERVER_NAME_HERE/WebApi"

Paste the modified parameter into your PowerShell window and execute the code.

Deploying Swagger for MultiTenant

To deploy Swagger for MultiTenant, use parameters Tenants and DefaultTenant (Optional. Used to specify one tenant to be displayed as default).

$parameters = @{
PackageVersion = "7.3.1277"
WebApiVersionUrl = "https://YOUR_SITE_OR_SERVER_NAME_HERE/WebApi"
Tenants = @("Tenant1", "Tenant2")

If deploying multiple school years, OpenApi Metadata will include available school years.

Run the Installation Script (Swagger UI)

Run the following command in the PowerShell window:

Install-EdFiOdsSwaggerUI @parameters

Step 5. Install Admin API

The Admin API provides an API-based programmatic interface for platform hosts to administer and manage non-sandbox instances of the Ed-Fi ODS / API. Follow the installation steps here. Alternatively, ODS instances can be configured by database administrators via SQL queries as outlined in the article How To: Configure ODS Instances. API keys and secrets can be administered via SQL queries as outlined in the article How To: Configure Key / Secret.

Step 6. Restart your Website

Just a few more tasks to complete your installation:

  • Open IIS (Press the Windows key 🪟 on your keyboard, type IIS, select Internet Information Services (IIS), and press Enter.
  • Right-click on the server (alternatively, you can right-click the EdFi web site), and select Stop.
  • Right-click the server (or EdFi website) again and select Start.

You are now ready to use the Ed-Fi ODS / API. The following URLs are available:

Ed-Fi ODS / API Documentation
(Optional, not for production)