API Changes from 5.1 to 5.2
New Endpoints
Assessment Registration Domain Additions
Also see Assessment Registration Domain Best Practices
GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations
Retrieves specific assessment administrations using property values.POST/ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations
Creates or updates assessment administrations based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations/{id}
Retrieves a specific assessment administration by ID.PUT /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations/{id}
Updates a specific assessment administration by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations/{id}
Deletes a specific assessment administration by ID.GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrations/deletes
Retrieves deleted assessment administrations based on change version.
GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations
Retrieves specific assessment administration participations using property values.POST/ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations
Creates or updates assessment administration participations based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations/{id}
Retrieves a specific assessment administration participation by ID.PUT /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations/{id}
Updates a specific assessment administration participation by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations/{id}
Deletes a specific assessment administration participation by ID.GET /ed-fi/assessmentAdministrationParticipations/deletes
Retrieves deleted assessment administration participations based on change version.
GET /ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts
Retrieves specific assessment battery parts using property values.POST/ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts
Creates or updates assessment battery parts based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts/{id}
Retrieves a specific assessment battery part by ID.PUT /ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts/{id}
Updates a specific assessment battery part by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts/{id}
Deletes a specific assessment battery part by ID.GET /ed-fi/assessmentBatteryParts/deletes
Retrieves deleted assessment battery parts based on change version.
GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations
Retrieves specific student assessment registrations using property values.POST/ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations
Creates or updates student assessment registrations based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations/{id}
Retrieves a specific student assessment registration by ID.PUT /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations/{id}
Updates a specific student assessment registration by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations/{id}
Deletes a specific student assessment registration by ID.GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrations/deletes
Retrieves deleted student assessment registrations based on change version.
GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations
Retrieves specific student assessment registration battery part associations using property values.POST/ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations
Retrieves a specific student assessment registration battery part association by ID.GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations/{id}
Retrieves a specific student assessment registration battery part association by ID.PUT /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations/{id}
Updates a specific student assessment registration battery part association by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations/{id}
Deletes a specific student assessment registration battery part association by ID.GET /ed-fi/studentAssessmentRegistrationBatteryPartAssociations/deletes
Retrieves deleted student assessment registration battery part associations based on change version.
GET /ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations
Retrieves specific student education organization assessment accommodations using property values.POST/ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations
Creates or updates student education organization assessment accommodations based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations/{id}
Retrieves a specific student education organization assessment accommodation by ID.PUT /ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations/{id}
Updates a specific student education organization assessment accommodation by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations/{id}
Deletes a specific student education organization assessment accommodation by ID.GET /ed-fi/studentEducationOrganizationAssessmentAccommodations/deletes
Retrieves deleted student education organization assessment accommodations based on change version.
Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain Additions
Also see Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain Best Practices
GET /ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations
Retrieves specific student section 504 progam associations using property values.POST/ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations
Creates or updates student section 504 progam associations based on natural key values.GET /ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations/{id}
Retrieves a specific student section 504 progam association by ID.PUT /ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations/{id}
Updates a specific student section 504 progam association by ID.DELETE /ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations/{id}
Deletes a specific student section 504 progam association by ID.GET /ed-fi/studentSection504ProgramAssociations/deletes
Retrieves deleted student section 504 progam associations based on change version.
Modified Endpoints
Enrollment Domain Modifications
Also see Enrollment Domain Best Practices
Add Dual Credit to studentSectionAssociation
GET /ed-fi/studentSectionAssociations
- Add dualCreditEducationOrganizationId - The identifier assigned to an education organization.
- Add dualCreditInstitutionDescriptor - Descriptor for the postsecondary institution offering college credit. This descriptor may be used to select a postsecondary institution that is not defined as an education organization, and/or select a general type of postsecondary institution.
- Add dualCreditTypeDescriptor - For a student taking a dual credit course in a college or high school setting, indicates the type of dual credit program.
- Add dualCreditIndicator - Indicates whether the student assigned to the section is to receive dual credit upon successful completion.
- Add dualHighSchoolCreditIndicator - Indicates whether successful completion of the course will result in credits toward high school graduation.
- Added property: [n].dualCreditEducationOrganizationReference (object)
- Added property: [n].dualCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Added property: [n].dualCreditInstitutionDescriptor (string)
- Added property: [n].dualCreditTypeDescriptor (string)
- Added property: [n].dualHighSchoolCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Request
- Added property: dualCreditEducationOrganizationReference (object)
- Added property: dualCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Added property: dualCreditInstitutionDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualCreditTypeDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualHighSchoolCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Request
GET /ed-fi/studentSectionAssociations/{id}
- Response
- Added property: dualCreditEducationOrganizationReference (object)
- Added property: dualCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Added property: dualCreditInstitutionDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualCreditTypeDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualHighSchoolCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Response
PUT /ed-fi/studentSectionAssociations/{id}
- Request
- Added property: dualCreditEducationOrganizationReference (object)
- Added property: dualCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Added property: dualCreditInstitutionDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualCreditTypeDescriptor (string)
- Added property: dualHighSchoolCreditIndicator (boolean)
- Request
Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain Modifications
_Also see Alternative and Supplemental Services Best Practices
Add Shortened School Days for IEP student to studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations
GET /ed-fi/studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations
- Add reductionInHoursPerWeekComparedToPeers - Records the number of hours reduced for the shortened school day for the IEP student as compared to peers in regular education. - Indicator that the student's IEP requires a shortened school day.
- Add shortenedSchoolDayIndicator - The reason the student left the program within a school or district.
- Add reasonExitedDescriptor
- Add endDate - Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.
- Add servedOutsideOfRegularSession - Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.
- Added property: [n].reductionInHoursPerWeekComparedToPeers (number)
- Added property: [n].shortenedSchoolDayIndicator (boolean)
- Changed property: [n].beginDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].endDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].iepBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].iepEndDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].programParticipationStatuses (array)
- Changed property: [n].specialEducationProgramServices (array)
- Changed property: [n].programParticipationStatuses[n].statusBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].programParticipationStatuses[n].statusEndDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: [n].specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceEndDate (string)
- Request
- Added property: reductionInHoursPerWeekComparedToPeers (number)
- Added property: shortenedSchoolDayIndicator (boolean)
- Changed property: beginDate (string)
- Changed property: endDate (string)
- Changed property: iepBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: iepEndDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses (array)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices (array)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusEndDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceEndDate (string)
- Request
GET /ed-fi/studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations/{id}
- Response
- Added property: reductionInHoursPerWeekComparedToPeers (number)
- Added property: shortenedSchoolDayIndicator (boolean)
- Changed property: beginDate (string)
- Changed property: endDate (string)
- Changed property: iepBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: iepEndDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses (array)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices (array)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusEndDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceEndDate (string)
- Response
PUT /ed-fi/studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociations/{id}
- Request
- Added property: reductionInHoursPerWeekComparedToPeers (number)
- Added property: shortenedSchoolDayIndicator (boolean)
- Changed property: beginDate (string)
- Changed property: endDate (string)
- Changed property: iepBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: iepEndDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses (array)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices (array)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: programParticipationStatuses[n].statusEndDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceBeginDate (string)
- Changed property: specialEducationProgramServices[n].serviceEndDate (string)
- Request
Discipline Domain Modifications
Also see Discipline Domain Best Practices
Add DisciplineIncident as an optional reference to restraintEvents
GET /ed-fi/restraintEvents
- Add incidentIdentifier
- Added property: [n].disciplineIncidentReference (object)
- Request
- Added property: disciplineIncidentReference (object)
- Request
GET /ed-fi/restraintEvents/{id}
- Response
- Added property: disciplineIncidentReference (object)
- Response
PUT /ed-fi/restraintEvents/{id}
- Request
- Added property: disciplineIncidentReference (object)
- Request
Add weapons descriptor to studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociations
GET /ed-fi/studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociations
- Response
- Added property: [n].weapons (array)
- Response
- Request
- Added property: weapons (array)
- Request
GET /ed-fi/studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociations/{id}
- Response
- Added property: weapons (array)
- Response
PUT /ed-fi/studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociations/{id}
- Request
- Added property: weapons (array)
- Request