Enrollment Domain - Overview
Key Entitiesβ
This domain contains:
The StudentSchoolAssociation entity, which represents a student's enrollment in a school.
The StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation entity, which represents an EducationOrganization's (most often LocalEducationAgency's) responsibility for a student.
Key Conceptsβ
The key concepts include the following:
During enrollment at a school, a student may have associations (e.g., accountability, funding, etc.) with other education organizations at any institutional level.Β For non-enrollment, responsibility-driven associations between a student and a school or local education agency (e.g., school of accountability), the StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation entity is defined.
A few elements that some external systems may model as directly related to a Student entity (e.g., a child's school year) are placed instead on the StudentSchoolAssociation entity (which signifies enrollment).
The StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation is not a part of this domain, as those records are not intended to represent a student's enrollment. Some student characteristics may be specific to a student's relationship with a particular education organization and these are a part of the Student Identification and Demographics Domain.