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This is documentation for an older release that is still maintained. Latest version
Version: 3

Student Academic Record Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors

Student Academic Record Domain Entitiesโ€‹

CompetencyObjectiveThis entity holds additional competencies for student achievement that are not associated with specific learning objectives (e.g., paying attention in class).
CourseTranscriptThis entity is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.
GradeThis educational entity represents an overall score or assessment tied to a course over a period of time (i.e., the grading period). Student grades are usually a compilation of marks and other scores.
GradebookEntryThis entity represents an assignment, homework, or classroom assessment to be recorded in a gradebook.
ReportCardThis educational entity represents the collection of student grades for courses taken during a grading period.
StudentAcademicRecordThis educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.
StudentCompetencyObjectiveThis entity represents the competency assessed or evaluated for the student against a specific learning objective.
StudentGradebookEntryThis entity holds a student's grade or competency level for a gradebook entry.
StudentLearningObjectiveDeprecated.ย Users of this element are advised to use Grade.LearningStandardGrade instead. Expect removal of this element in a future release.

Extended Referencesโ€‹

CourseThis educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.
CourseOfferingThis entity represents an entry in the course catalog of available courses offered by the school during a session.
EducationOrganizationThis entity represents any public or private institution, organization, or agency that provides instructional or support services to students or staff at any level.
GradingPeriodThis descriptor defines the name of the period for which grades are reported.
LearningObjectiveDeprecated.ย Users of this element are advised to use LearningStandard instead. Expect removal of this element in a future release.
LearningStandardThis entity is a sub-element of a learning objective consisting of a precise statement of the expectation of a student's proficiency.
ProgramThis entity represents any program designed to work in conjunction with, or as a supplement to, the main academic program. Programs may provide instruction, training, services, or benefits through federal, state, or local agencies. Programs may also include organized extracurricular activities for students.
SchoolThis entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
SectionThis entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided, in-person or otherwise, to one or more students for a given period of time. A course offering may be offered to more than one section.
SessionA term in the school year, generally a unit of time into which courses are scheduled, instruction occurs and by which credits are awarded. Sessions may be interrupted by vacations or other events.
StudentThis entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services, and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary, or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.
StudentProgramAssociationThis association represents the Program(s) that a student participates in or is served by.
StudentSectionAssociationThis association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned.

Student Academic Record Domain Descriptorsโ€‹

EntityNameDescriptionUsage ClassificationEDFacts MappingCommonly UsedCommonly State-Defined
CompetencyObjectiveObjectiveGradeLevelThe grade level for which the CompetencyObjective is targeted.Orthodox
CourseTranscriptAdditionalCreditTypeThe type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.Orthodox
CourseAttemptResultThe result from the student's attempt to take the course, for example: Pass, Fail, Incomplete, Withdrawn.Standard
CourseRepeatCodeIndicates that an academic course has been repeated by a student and how that repeat is to be computed in the student's academic grade average.Orthodox
CreditTypeThe type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.Flexible
MethodCreditEarnedThe method the credits were earned (e.g., Classroom, Examination, Transfer).Orthodox
WhenTakenGradeLevelStudent's grade level at time of course.Orthodox
GradeGradeTypeThe type of grade reported (e.g., Exam, Final, Grading Period).Orthodox
PerformanceBaseConversionA performance level that describes the student proficiency.Orthodox
GradebookEntryGradebookEntryTypeThe type of the GradebookEntry; for example, homework, assignment, quiz, unit test, oral presentation, etc.Orthodox
ReportCardGradePointAverageWeightSystemThe system used for calculating the Grade Point Average.Orthodox
StudentAcademicRecordAcademicHonorCategoryA designation of the type of academic distinctions earned by or awarded to the student.Orthodox
AchievementCategoryThe category of achievement attributed to the learner.Local
CreditTypeThe type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.Flexible
DiplomaLevelThe level of diploma/credential that is awarded to a student in recognition of his/her completion of the curricular requirements. Minimum high school program, Recommended high school program, Distinguished Achievement Program.Local
DiplomaTypeThe type of diploma/credential that is awarded to a student in recognition of his/her completion of the curricular requirements.Local
GradePointAverageWeightSystemThe system used for calculating the Grade Point Average.Local
RecognitionTypeThe nature of recognition given to the learner for accomplishments in a co-curricular, or extra-curricular activity.Flexible
TermThe term for the session during the school year.Flexible
StudentCompetencyObjectiveCompetencyLevelThe competency level assessed for the student for the referenced competency objective.Flexible
StudentGradebookEntryCompetencyLevelThe CompetencyLevel assessed for the student for the referenced LearningObjective.Flexible

See Non-normative Descriptor Classifications for more information on Usage Classification.