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Used to look up a historical summary of the student which includes grade summaries, discipline summaries, attendance rates, and enrollment histories.

SQL Object Name​


Data Definition and Sources​

ColumnData TypeSourceDescription
StudentKeynvarchar​Chronic Absenteeism CollectionThe unique key that describes the Student
StudentSchoolKeynvarcharChronic Absenteeism CollectionThe student school key associated with the student's history
GradeSummaryvarcharChronic Absenteeism CollectionThe summary of a students grade for the last semester
CurrentSchoolKeyvarcharChronic Absenteeism CollectionThe current school the student is attending
AttendanceRatedecimalChronic Absenteeism CollectionThe attendance rate for the student in the current school year
ReferralsAndSuspensionsintStudent Discipline Action ViewThe number of referrals and suspensions in the current school year
EnrollmentHistoryvarcharChronic Absenteeism CollectionAll the previous schools that the student attended
LastModifiedDatedatetimeChronic Absenteeism CollectionThe last date the event was modified