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rls_UserAuthorization View


Used for row-level security. Links a particular user to the students, sections, and/or schools that they can access. It only includes education staff at this time (no parents/guardians or students). Part of the Row-Level Security Collection.

SQL Object


Data Definition and Sources


The current design does not support statewide use of row-level security. If a state education agency chooses to implement the Analytics Middle Tier, then they may want to create a different data security model.

The StaffSectionOrganizationAssignmentAssociation  table is joined to the StaffClassificationDescriptorScope  to determine if a staff member should have "teacher", "principal", or "superintendent" type access.

Column NameSource TableSource ColumnData Type
UserScopeanalytics.AuthorizationScope via

StudentPermissionn/astatic string "ALL"nvarchar(3)
SectionPermissionTeacher: Section via StaffSectionAssociationIdnvarchar(50)
Principal: n/astatic string "ALL"
Superintendent: n/astatic string "ALL"
SchoolPermissionTeacher: StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociationEducationOrganizationIdnvarchar(50)
Principal: StaffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociationEducationOrganizationId
Superintendent: n/astatic string "ALL"


Students and Parents could be incorporated in the future but are not necessary for the Early Warning System use cases.