engage_AssignmentDim View
Describes Assignments created in a Learning Management System (LMS)
SQL Object Name
Usage Notes
Data Definition and Sources
Depends on the lmsx.Assignment
table that is introduced by the LMSX extension
from the LMS
In theory this table can be populated directly through API calls, if the LMSX
extension is called. However, in most cases the data will be loaded using the
custom components in the LMS Toolkit. When using the Toolkit, recall the
- Extractors pull data from a source system into CSV files.
- The Data Store Loader uploads those CSV files into tables in
schema - The Harmonizer synchronizes those records with Sections and Students
defined in the core Ed-Fi tables, resulting in records loaded
In the table below, the immediate source is given, along with the source from the LMS Toolkit table / CSV files. For more information on the upstream sources from the LMS, please see the mapping notes documentation: Schoology Mapping Notes, Google Classroom Mapping notes, and Canvas Mapping Notes.
Column | Data Type | Source | Description |
AssignmentKey | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.AssignmentIdentifier * When using the LMS Toolkit, this value comes from SourceSystemIdentifier in lmsx.Assignment . | This is the natural key from the source system |
SchoolKey | int | lmsx.Assignment.SchoolId * When using the LMS toolkit, this value is inferred from the relationship of the SisSectionIdentifier in the lms.LMSSection table to SectionIdentifier in the edfi.Section table. | Unique key for a school |
SourceSystem | varchar | edfi.Descriptor.ShortDescription via lmsx.SourceSystemDescriptor * When using the LMS toolkit, this value comes from the SourceSystem column in lms.Assignment . | Name of the LMS source system |
Title | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.Title * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from Title in lms.Assignment . | Title of the assignment |
Description | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.AssignmentDescription * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from AssignmentDescription in lms.Assignment . | Long description of the assignment (not available in all systems) |
StartDateKey | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.StartDateTime * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from StartDateTime in lms.Assignment . | Start date of the assignment, formatted as a string for use with the DateDim View |
EndDateKey | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.EndDateTime * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from EndDateTime in lms.Assignment . | End date of the assignment, formatted as a string for use with the DateDim View |
DueDateKey | varchar | lmsx.Assignment.DueDateTime * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from DueDateTime in lms.Assignment . | Due date of the assignment, formatted as a string for use with the DateDim View |
MaxPoints | int | lmsx.Assignment.MaxPoints * When using the LMS toolkit, comes from MaxPoints in lms.Assignment . | Maximum number of points available in the assignment |
SectionKey | varchar | Concatenation of the components of the Section natural key, using the column from lmsx.Assignment: SchoolId LocalCourseCode SchoolYear SectionIdentifier * SessionName → when using the LMS toolkit, these values are inferred from the relationship of the SIS Section Identifier defined in the LMS's section to the SectionIdentifier defined in an Ed-Fi Section. | The unique key for a section, allowing for joins to the SectionDim View |
GradingPeriodKey | varchar | Concatenation of components of the edfi.GradingPeriod entity: GradingPeriodDescriptorId SchoolId * BeginDate → Inferred from the edfi.SessionGradingPeriod by looking for a related grading period whose begin and end dates encompass the due date of the assignment. | The unique key for a grading period, allowing for joins to the GradingPeriodDim View |