StudentSchoolDim View
Contains attributes of a student including name, enrollment, and demographic information as defined in relationship to a school at which the student is currently enrolled. Part of the Core View Collection.
SQL Object
Usage Notes
See How to Use the Student Dimensions.
Data Sources
Data Standard 2.2
Data Standard 3+
Data Standard 2.2 Structure
Column | Data Type | Source | Description |
StudentSchoolKey | String | {Student.StudentUniqueId}-{StudentSchoolAssociation.SchoolId} | Primary key |
StudentKey | String | edfi.Student.UniqueId | |
SchoolKey | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.SchoolId | |
SchoolYear | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssocation.SchoolYear | convert to string to signal to modeling tools that this is not an aggregatable number |
StudentFirstName | String | edfi.Student.FirstName | |
StudentMiddleName | String | edfi.Student.MiddleName | |
StudentLastName | String | edfi.Student.LastSurname | |
EnrollmentDateKey | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryDate | formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
GradeLevel | String | edfi.Descriptor.CodeValue via edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryGradeLevelDescriptorId | |
LimitedEnglishProficiency | String | edfi.Descriptor.CodeValue via edfi.Student.LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorId | Replace null with "Not Applicable" |
IsHispanic | Boolean | edfi.Student.HispanicLatinoEthnicity | Replace null with 0 |
Sex | String | edfi.SexType.CodeValue via edfi.Student.SexTypeId | |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Most recent date from any source that has a LastModifiedDate column |
Data Standard 3+ Structure
Column | Data Type | Source | Description |
StudentSchoolKey | String | {Student.StudentUniqueId}-{StudentSchoolAssociation.SchoolId} | Primary key |
StudentKey | String | edfi.Student.UniqueId | |
SchoolKey | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.SchoolId | |
SchoolYear | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssocation.SchoolYear | convert to string to signal to modeling tools that this is not an aggregatable number |
StudentFirstName | String | edfi.Student.FirstName | |
StudentMiddleName | String | edfi.Student.MiddleName | |
StudentLastName | String | edfi.Student.LastSurname | |
EnrollmentDateKey | String | edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryDate | formatted as YYYY-MM-DD |
GradeLevel | String | edfi.Descriptor.CodeValue via edfi.StudentSchoolAssociation.EntryGradeLevelDescriptorId | |
LimitedEnglishProficiency | String | edfi.Descriptor.CodeValue via edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation.LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptorId | Replace null with "Not Applicable" |
IsHispanic | Boolean | edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation.HispanicLatinoEthnicity | Replace null with 0 |
Sex | String | edfi.Descriptor.CodeValue via edfi.StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation.SexDescriptorId | |
LastModifiedDate | DateTime | Most recent date from any source that has a LastModifiedDate column |