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Used for looking at Assessments within the ODS and how those assessment are organized in relation to scoring, subdivided into objective assessments, and related to learning standards.

SQL Object Name


Data Definition and Sources

ColumnData TypeSourceDescription
​AssessmentKeynvarchar​AssessmentThe unique key that describes the assessment
AssessmentIdentifiernvarcharAssessmentThe unique identifier that describes the assessment
NamespacenvarcharAssessmentThe namespace is part of the uniqueness defining the assessment View.
TitlenvarcharAssessmentThe title description of the assessment.
VersionintAssessmentDescribes what version the assessment or objective assessment focuses on.
CategorynvarcharAssessmentDescribes what category the assessment or objective assessment focuses on.
AssessedGradeLevelnvarcharAssessmentThe grade level is the assessment focused on
AcademicSubjectnvarcharAssessmentDescribes what core subject the assessment or objective assessment focuses on.
ResultDataTypenvarcharAssessmentScoreDescribes what format the results for the assessment are reported.
ReportingMethodnvarcharAssessmentScoreDescribes how the results of the assessment are reported.  This will create multiple records if there are multiple reporting methods associated with the assessment.
ObjectiveAssessmentKeynvarcharObjectiveAssessmentThe key that defines the objective assessment associated with the record
IdentificationCodenvarcharObjectiveAssessmentThe identification code is part of the uniqueness defining the objective assessment View.
ParentObjectiveAssessmentKeynvarcharObjectiveAssessmentObjective Assessments can be recursively associated to each other to clarify drill down relationships which are represented here.
ObjectiveAssessmentDescriptionnvarcharObjectiveAssessmentA description of the objective assessment associated with the assessment
PercentofAssessmentdecimalObjectiveAssessmentDocuments the size of the assessment identified in the objective assessment
MinScorenvarcharAssessmentScore, ObjectiveAssessmentScoreThis is the minimum score that can be achieved for this assessment or objective assessment
MaxScorenvarcharAssessmentScore, ObjectiveAssessmentScoreThis is the maximum score that can be achieved for this assessment or objective assessment
LearningStandardvarcharObjectiveAssessmentLearningStandardThe learning standard description associated with the objective assessment associated with the record.  This will create multiple records if there are multiple learning standards associated with the objective assessment.