Endpoints in Admin API 1.x
Below are the endpoints and their request and response objects for v1.x of the Ed-Fi ODS / API Admin API.
For the most accurate and detailed documentation of active endpoints in a version, configure and launch your application with SwaggerEnabled : true (this is not recommended in production).
All functional endpoints require authentication to access. See Securing Admin API for details.
Endpoint URLs and Schemas
Response Wrapper Schema
Responses with a body have a common "wrapper" around their result object (which may be empty) or a collection of errors.
These wrappers are not reflected in the below documentation. Assume they are the contents of result when successful.
Response | Codes | Schema |
Success | 200, 201 | { "status": 0, "title": "string", "result": object? } |
Error | 401, 403, 404, 500 | { "status": 0, "title": "string", "errors": [ "string" ]} |
Validation Error | 400 | { "status": 0, "title": "string", "errors": [{ "string": [ "string" ] }]} |
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Description | Request Schema | Response Schema (Success) |
v1/vendors/ | GET | Retrieves all vendors | - | [ { "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" }] |
v1/vendors/ {id} | GET | Retrieves a specific vendor by id | - | |
v1/vendors/ | POST | Creates a new vendor | { "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" } | { "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" } |
v1/vendors/ {id} | PUT | Updates a specific vendor by id | { "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" } | { "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" } |
v1/vendors/ {id} | DELETE | Deletes a vendor by id | - | - |
v1/vendors/ {id} /applications | GET | Retrieves all applications associated with vendor of id | - | [ { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } ] |
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Description | Request Schema | Response Schema (Success) |
v1/claimsets/ | GET | Retrieves all claimsets | - | [{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0 } ] |
v1/claimsets/ {id} | GET | Retrieves a specific claimset by id | - | { "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } |
v1/claimsets/ | POST | Creates a new claimset | { "name": "string", "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } | { "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } |
v1/claimsets/ {id} | PUT | Updates a specific claimset by id | { "id": 0, "name": "string", "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } | { "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } |
v1/claimsets/ {id} | DELETE | Deletes a claimset by id | - | - |
Endpoint | HTTP Verb | Description | Request Schema | Response Schema (Success) |
v1/applications/ | GET | Retrieves all applications | - | [ { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } ] |
v1/applications/ {id} | GET | Retrieves a specific application by id | - | { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } |
v1/applications/ | POST | Creates a new application | { "applicationName": "string", "vendorId": 0, "claimSetName": "string", "profileId": 0, "educationOrganizationIds": [ 0 ] } | { "applicationId": 0, "key": "string", "secret": "string" } |
v1/applications/ {id} | PUT | Updates a specific application by id | { "applicationId": 0, " applicationName": "string", "vendorId": 0, "claimSetName": "string", "profileId": 0, "educationOrganizationIds": [ 0 ] } | { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } |
v1/applications/ {id} | DELETE | Deletes an application by id | - | - |
v1/applications/ {id}/reset-credential | PUT | Resets an application credentials by id | - | { "applicationId": 0, "key": "string", "secret": "string" } |
Common Responses
Response | Code | Description | Valid for Verbs | Notes |
200 SUCCESS | Request was successful | ALL | ||
201 CREATED | Resource was created successfully | POST | Response will also include a location header which directs to the new resource | |
400 BAD REQUEST | Invalid request payload - See errors for details | POST, PUT | ||
401 UNAUTHORIZED | Missing or invalid authentication token | ALL | ||
403 FORBIDDEN | Authentication token is valid but resource is outside of authenticated scope | ALL | ||
404 NOT FOUND | Resource with given id not found | ALL | ||
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR | Unexpected error on the system - See error for details | ALL |