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Endpoints in Admin API 1.x

Below are the endpoints and their request and response objects for v1.x of the Ed-Fi ODS / API Admin API.

For the most accurate and detailed documentation of active endpoints in a version, configure and launch your application with SwaggerEnabled : true (this is not recommended in production).

All functional endpoints require authentication to access. See Securing Admin API for details.

Endpoint URLs and Schemas

Response Wrapper Schema

Responses with a body have a common "wrapper" around their result object (which may be empty) or a collection of errors.

These wrappers are not reflected in the below documentation. Assume they are the contents of result when successful.

Success200, 201{ "status": 0, "title": "string", "result": object? }
Error401, 403, 404, 500{ "status": 0, "title": "string", "errors": [ "string" ]}
Validation Error400 { "status": 0, "title": "string", "errors": [{ "string": [ "string" ] }]}


EndpointHTTP VerbDescriptionRequest SchemaResponse Schema (Success)
v1/vendors/GETRetrieves all vendors-[ { "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" }]
GETRetrieves a specific vendor by id -
v1/vendors/POSTCreates a new vendor { "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" }{ "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" }
PUTUpdates a specific vendor by id{ "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" } { "vendorId": 0, "company": "string", "namespacePrefixes": "string", "contactName": "string", "contactEmailAddress": "string" }
DELETEDeletes a vendor by id --
GETRetrieves all applications associated with vendor of id -[ { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string",  "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } ]


EndpointHTTP VerbDescriptionRequest SchemaResponse Schema (Success)
v1/claimsets/GETRetrieves all claimsets-[{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0 } ]
GETRetrieves a specific claimset by id -{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] }
v1/claimsets/POSTCreates a new claimset{ "name": "string", "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] }{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] }
PUTUpdates a specific claimset by id{ "id": 0, "name": "string", "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] } { "id": 0, "name": "string", "isSystemReserved": true, "applicationsCount": 0, "resourceClaims": [ { "name": "string", "read": true, "create": true, "update": true, "delete": true, "defaultAuthStrategiesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "authStrategyOverridesForCRUD": [ { "authStrategyName": "string", "isInheritedFromParent": true } ], "children": [ "list of resource claims" ] } ] }
DELETEDeletes a claimset by id --


EndpointHTTP VerbDescriptionRequest SchemaResponse Schema (Success)
v1/applications/GETRetrieves all applications-[ { "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" } ]
GETRetrieves a specific application by id -{ "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" }
v1/applications/POSTCreates a new application{ "applicationName": "string", "vendorId": 0, "claimSetName": "string", "profileId": 0, "educationOrganizationIds": [ 0 ] }{ "applicationId": 0, "key": "string", "secret": "string" }
PUTUpdates a specific application by id{ "applicationId": 0, " applicationName": "string", "vendorId": 0, "claimSetName": "string", "profileId": 0, "educationOrganizationIds": [ 0 ] }{ "applicationId": 0, "applicationName": "string", "claimSetName": "string", "profileName": "string", "educationOrganizationId": 0, "odsInstanceName": "string" }
DELETEDeletes an application by id --
PUTResets an application credentials by id -{ "applicationId": 0, "key": "string", "secret": "string" }

Common Responses

ResponseCodeDescriptionValid for VerbsNotes
200 SUCCESSRequest was successfulALL
201 CREATEDResource was created successfullyPOSTResponse will also include a location  header which directs to the new resource
400 BAD REQUESTInvalid request payload - See errors for detailsPOST, PUT
401 UNAUTHORIZEDMissing or invalid authentication tokenALL
403 FORBIDDENAuthentication token is valid but resource is outside of authenticated scopeALL
404 NOT FOUNDResource with given id  not foundALL
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERRORUnexpected error on the system - See error for detailsALL