v4 Student Enrollment > StudentEdOrgAssociation Scenarios
The Student Enrollment interchange describes student enrollments in schools and in sections.
This association represents student information that is specific to a student's relationship with an EducationOrganization. Enrollment relationship semantics are covered by https://edfi.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EDFI/pages/22450000.
- Student
- Create a Student EdOrg Association for an elementary Student at Grand Bend School District.*
- Create a Student EdOrg Association for a high school Student at Grand Bend School District.*
- Update the Phone number on the first Student.
- Update the Address on the second Student.
Additional Requirementsâ
- For these scenarios SIS system MUST demonstrate that it can provide 3 student identifiers: a SIS/district ID, a state ID, and a local ID (also known as a "student number", which students typically memorize and use for local operations). In terms of studentIdentificationSystemDescriptors, these are the "District", "State" and "Local" values in the default Ed-Fi descriptor values, respectively.
- The SIS MUST include at least these three values in the StudentIdentificationCodes array and the studentIdentificationSystemDescriptors MUST be labeled as "District", "State" and "Local" per the definitions above.
- If the SIS only has a subset of these values, values can be repeated as needed. For example, the SIS might use the SIS/district ID as the local ID (student number); in this case, that ID would be repeated in the array as both the "District" and "Local" values.
Resource | Property Name | Is Collection | Data Type | Required | Scenario 1: POST | Scenario 2: POST | Scenario 3: POST/PUT | Scenario 4: POST/PUT |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | educationOrganizationReference | FALSE | educationOrganizationReference | REQUIRED | ||||
educationOrganizationReference | educationOrganizationId | FALSE | integer | REQUIRED | 255901 | 255901 | 255901 | 255901 |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | studentReference | FALSE | studentReference | REQUIRED | ||||
studentReference | studentUniqueId | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | 111111 | 222222 | 111111 | 222222 |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | FALSE | limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | REQUIRED | NotLimited | NotLimited | NotLimited | NotLimited |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | disabilities | TRUE | disability[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilities | disabilityDescriptor | FALSE | disabilityDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilities | disabilityDeterminationSourceType | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilities | disabilityDiagnosis | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilities | orderOfDisability | FALSE | integer | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilities | designations | TRUE | designations[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationDisabilityDesignations | disabilityDesignationDescriptor | FALSE | disabilityDesignationDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | programParticipations | TRUE | programParticipations[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipations | programTypeDescriptor | FALSE | programTypeDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipations | beginDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipations | designatedBy | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipations | endDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipations | programCharacteristics | TRUE | programCharacteristics | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationProgramParticipationProgramCharacteristics | programCharacteristicDescriptor | FALSE | programCharacteristicDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | studentCharacteristics | TRUE | studentCharacteristics[] | REQUIRED | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentCharacteristics | studentCharacteristicDescriptor | FALSE | studentCharacteristicDescriptor | REQUIRED | Immigrant | Economic Disadvantaged | Immigrant | Economic Disadvantaged |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentCharacteristics | designatedBy | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentCharacteristics | periods | TRUE | periods[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentCharacteristicPeriods | beginDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentCharacteristicPeriods | endDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | studentIndicators | TRUE | studentIndicators[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicators | indicatorName | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicators | indicatorGroup | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicators | indicator | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicators | designatedBy | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicators | periods | TRUE | periods | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicatorPeriods | beginDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationStudentIndicatorPeriods | endDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | StudentIdentificationCodes | TRUE | studentIdentificationCodes[] | REQUIRED | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentIdentificationCodes | assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentIdentificationCodes | identificationCode | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | [system values] | [system values] | [system values] | [system values] |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentIdentificationCodes | studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | FALSE | studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | REQUIRED | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) | State, District, and Local (CONDITIONAL) |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | sexDescriptor | FALSE | sexDescriptor | REQUIRED | Male | Female | Male | Female |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | addresses | TRUE | addresses[] | REQUIRED | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | addressTypeDescriptor | FALSE | addressTypeDescriptor | CONDITIONAL | Home | Home | Home | Home |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | city | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | Grand Bend | Grand Bend | Grand Bend | Grand Bend |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | postalCode | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | 78834 | 78834 | 78834 | 78834 |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | stateAbbreviationDescriptor | FALSE | stateAbbreviationDescriptor | REQUIRED | TX | TX | TX | TX |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | streetNumberName | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | 654 Mission Hills | 123 Cedar Street | 654 Mission Hills | 123 Cedar Circle |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | buildingSiteNumber | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | countyFIPSCode | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | latitude | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | longitude | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | nameOfC | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | doNotPublishIndicator | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddresses | periods | TRUE | Periods[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddressPeriods | beginDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsAddressPeriods | endDate | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | internationalAddresses | TRUE | studentInternationalAddress[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | addressLine1 | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | addressTypeDescriptor | FALSE | addressTypeDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | countryDescriptor | FALSE | countryDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | addressLine2 | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | addressLine3 | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | addressLine4 | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | beginDate | FALSE | date | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | endDate | FALSE | date | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | latitude | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsInternationalAddresses | longitude | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | telephones | TRUE | studentTelephone[] | REQUIRED | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsTelephones | telephoneNumber | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | 111-222-3333 | 111-222-4444 | ||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsTelephones | telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | FALSE | telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | REQUIRED | Home | Home | ||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsTelephones | orderOfPriority | FALSE | integer | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsTelephones | textMessageCapabilityIndicator | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsTelephones | doNotPublishIndicator | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | electronicMails | TRUE | ElectronicMail[] | REQUIRED | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsElectronicMails | electronicMailAddress | FALSE | string | REQUIRED | Austin | Madison | Austin | Madison |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsElectronicMails | electronicMailTypeDescriptor | FALSE | electronicMailTypeDescriptor | REQUIRED | Other | Other | Other | Other |
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsElectronicMails | primaryEmailAddressIndicator | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsElectronicMails | doNotPublishIndicator | FALSE | boolean | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | profileThumbnail | FALSE | string | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | hispanicLatinoEthnicity | FALSE | boolean | REQUIRED | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | oldEthnicityDescriptor | FALSE | oldEthnicityDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | races | TRUE | studentRace[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsRaces | raceDescriptor | FALSE | raceDescriptor | REQUIRED | Black - African American | White | Black - African American | White |
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | tribalAffiliations | TRUE | tribalAffiliations[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentTribalAffiliations | tribalAffiliationDescriptor | FALSE | tribalAffiliationDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | languages | TRUE | studentLanguage[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentLanguages | languageDescriptor | FALSE | languageDescriptor | REQUIRED | spa | spa | ||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsStudentLanguages | uses | TRUE | studentLanguageUse[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsLanguageUses | languageUseDescriptor | FALSE | languageUseDescriptor | REQUIRED | Home language | Home language | ||
StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations | cohortYears | TRUE | studentCohortYear[] | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsCohortYears | cohortYearTypeDescriptor | FALSE | cohortYearTypeDescriptor | OPTIONAL | ||||
studentEducationOrganizationAssociationsCohortYears | schoolYearTypeReference | FALSE | schoolYearTypeReference | OPTIONAL |