Database Deploy Tool
The Database Deploy Tool is a utility for the Ed-Fi Technical Suite 3 databases. The utility supports the deployment of ODS databases in both the SQL Server 2019 and PostgreSQL 16 platforms, and is designed to work with Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.3 and later.
While the Deploy Tool supports deployment of fresh ODS instances and deployment of extensions and features on an existing ODS, it does not support upgrade of existing ODS instances from one ODS / API version to another. Off-the-shelf products — such as SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Schema Compare, RedGate SQL Compare, and others — can be used for generating ODS upgrade scripts.
In most cases, you do not need to directly download this tool to use it. The Initialize the Development Environment (initdev) script described in Getting Started - Source Code Installation and the EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases PowerShell deployment package listed Binary Releases uses the Database Deploy Tool to deploy the ODS and related databases used by the API.
Installing the Application
As a .NET Global Tool, the application runs on a machine with .NET 8.0 SDK (Compatible with Visual Studio 2022) and is installed from Azure Artifacts with one of the following commands:
# Globally install the most recent version
dotnet tool install -g EdFi.Suite3.Db.Deploy `
# Install most recent version into a local directory
dotnet tool install EdFi.Suite3.Db.Deploy --tool-path <directory> `
# Install a specific version
dotnet tool install EdFi.Suite3.Db.Deploy --tool-path <directory> --version 4.1.52 `
# Install the most recent patch-release of 4.1 by adding -* wildcard to the version
dotnet tool install EdFi.Suite3.Db.Deploy --tool-path <directory> --version 4.1.* `
Note that this process will create a single locally executable binary, bundling together all assembly references.
Running the Application
When providing the connection string as shown below, you must specify the
desired database name. If your connection string has database=EdFi_Ods
and you
provide the -d Security
argument, then you would end up installing the
security tables into the EdFi_ODS
database instead of the standard
database. The application does not perform any verification on
the database name, so please take care to provide the right name for the command
you are issuing.
You do not need to create an empty database before running the tool. In both SQL Server and PostgreSQL, if the user you connect as has the proper permission, the tool will create the database specified in the connection string on your behalf. Alternatively, if you wish to take more control over how the database is created, you can create it in advance before running this application.
As a Dotnet Tool
# If installed globally
EdFi.Db.Deploy <verb> <args>
# If installed in local directory
install-dir\EdFi.Db.Deploy <verb> <args>
Using Dotnet Run on the Project
When using dotnet run
on the project, the parameters need to be provided in
the "long form." If you provide the "short form" then these parameters will be
interpreted as arguments to the dotnet
command rather than as arguments to the
Deploy Tool.
# Switch to local src/EdFi.Db.Deploy directory
# Correct
dotnet run <verb> --connectionString "<connection string>" --provider <provider>
# Invalid
dotnet run <verb> -c "<connection string>" -p <provider>
Verbs describe the action that the tool needs to take.
Verb | Purpose |
deploy | Executes all migration scripts using the provided arguments |
whatif | Tests to see if any migration scripts need to be deployed, returning exit code 1 if so and 0 if no migration scripts needed |
Short Form | Long Form | Required | Description |
-d | --database | no (default=Ods) | Database to install (ODS, Admin, or Security) |
-e | --engine | yes | Database engine type (SqlServer or PostgreSql) |
-c | --connectionString | yes | Full SQL Server or PostgreSQL connection string. This will install the scripts into the specified database. |
--standardVersion | yes | Standard Version to install, e.g. 5.2.0 | |
--extensionVersion | no | Extension Version to install | |
-t | --timeOut | no (default=60) | Connection time out in seconds |
-p | --filePaths | no | Comma-separated list of base paths containing files to install ⚠️ The application will install all files directly in <basePath>\Standard\<standardVersion>\Artifacts\<engine>\Structure\<database>\ and <basePath>\Standard\<standardVersion>\Artifacts\<engine>\Data\<database> . Files in sub-directories are treated as features, to be installed with --features. |
-f | --features | no | Optional features to install, as comma-separated list |
With the default SQL Server installation on localhost, you may have an untrusted
certificate. You can bypass transport encryption by adding Encrypt=False
to any connection
string. This is not advised for production usage. To setup a proper certificate,
see Install a valid certificate on the
For more information on connection string formats, see:
Ex: SQL Server with Minimal Arguments
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--engine SqlServer `
--connectionString "Server=localhost; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; Integrated Security=True" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
Ex: Test If Deployment Needed
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe whatif `
--engine SqlServer `
--connectionString "Server=localhost; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; Integrated Security=True" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
Ex: SQL Server Install with Extensions
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--engine SqlServer `
--connectionString "Server=localhost; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; Integrated Security=True" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--extensionVersion "1.1.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
"Ed-Fi-ODS\Application\EdFi.Ods.Standard" `
"Ed-Fi-Ods-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.Extensions.TPDM" `
Ex: SQL Server with Minimal Arguments, Admin database
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--database Admin `
--engine SqlServer `
--connectionString "Server=localhost; Database=EdFi_Admin; Integrated Security=True" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
"Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\" `
Ex: SQL Server with Optional Arguments
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--engine SqlServer `
--connectionString "Server=localhost; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; Integrated Security=True" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
"Ed-Fi-ODS\Application\EdFi.Ods.Standard" `
--features "Changes", "RecordOwnership"
Ex: PostgreSQL with Minimal Arguments
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--engine PostgreSql `
--connectionString "Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; username=postgres; password=docker;" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
Ex: PostgreSQL on Alternate Port with Optional Arguments
EdFi.Db.Deploy.exe deploy `
--engine PostgreSql `
--connectionString "Host=localhost; Port=1234; Database=EdFi_Ods_Empty_Template; username=postgres; password=docker;" `
--standardVersion "5.2.0" `
--timeOut 360 `
--filePaths `
"Ed-Fi-Ods\" `
PostgreSQL passwords containing special characters are problematic — some users find that they work and others find that they do not work, even with third-party tools such as PG Admin 4. This problem might be restricted to Windows Containers. No workaround other than changing the password has been found.