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This is documentation for an older release that is still maintained. Latest version
Version: 3

Expected and Actual School Day Attendance

Report a Student's Expected Total Days in Attendance for the School Year

Option 1: Using Session.TotalInstructionalDays

Expected Days in Attendance for the School Year = SUM (
Session.TotalInstructionalDays )

WHERE Session.School.SchoolId = { School Id for the attendance calculation }

    AND Session.SchoolYear = { Current School Year }

Total Expected Attendance for School Year via Session

Option 2: Using Calendar and CalendarDate

Expected Days in Attendance for the School Year = COUNT ( CalendarDate.Date )

WHERE CalendarDate.CalendarEventDescriptor IN { Instructional Day Calendar
Events }

    AND CalendarDate.Calendar = { School Calendar for the attendance calculation }

    AND Calendar.School = { School for the attendance calculation }

    AND Calendar.SchoolYear = { Current School Year }

Total Expected Attendance for School Year via Calendar


  • The school's sessions do not overlap.
  • The school has a single calendar. If a school has multiple calendars, the calendar which applies to the student should be used.
  • The student does not have an individual calendar. If a student has an individual calendar, the calendar as defined by StudentSchoolAssociation → Calendar reference should be used.
  • The student is enrolled in the school for the entire session and school year.

Report a Student's Actual Attendance for the School Year

Student School Attendance for the School Year = { Expected Days in Attendance
for the School Year (see above) } - COUNT (
StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent.AttendanceEvent.EventDate )

IN { Absent categories (e.g., Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence) as defined by
the implementation }

    AND StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent.Student= { Student for the attendance calculation }

    AND StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent.School = { School for the attendance calculation }

    AND StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent.Session = { All sessions within the school year }

Actual Attendance for School Year


  • The school's sessions do not overlap.
  • The student is enrolled in the school for the entire session and school year.
  • Days are reported as whole numbers. If reported as partial days, StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent → SchoolAttendanceDuration or StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent → AttendanceEvent → EventDuration may be used.