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This is documentation for an older release that is still maintained. Latest version
Version: 3

Educator Preparation Data Model Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors


The Teacher Preparation Data Model has been renamed to the Educator Preparation Data Model to better reflect the capability of the model to support all types of educator preparation. Read more about the name change We're renaming TPDM, here's why

TPDM Domain Entities​

CandidateA candidate is both a person enrolled in a educator preparation program and a candidate to become an educator.
CandidateEducatorPreparationProgramAssociationInformation about the association between the Teacher Candidate and the Educator Preparation Program.
Credential - ExtendedThe legal document giving authorization to perform teaching assignment services.
EducatorPreparationProgramThe Educator Preparation Program is designed to prepare students to become licensed educators.
EvaluationAn evaluation instrument appled to evaluate an educator. Β The evaluation could be internally developed, or could be an industry recognized instrument such as TTESS or Marzano.
EvaluationElementThe lowest-level Elements or criterion of performance being evaluated by rubric, quantitative measure, or aggregate survey response.
EvaluationElementRatingThe lowest-level rating for an Evaluation Element for an individual educator.
EvaluationObjectiveA subcomponent of an Evaluation, a specific educator Objective or domain of performance that is being evaluated.
EvaluationObjectiveRatingThe rating for the component Evaluation Objective for an individual educator.
EvaluationRatingThe summary weighting for the Evaluation instrument for an individual educator.
FinancialAidThis entity represents the financial aid a person is awarded.
PerformanceEvaluationA performance evaluation of an educator, typically regularly scheduled and uniformly applied, composed of one or more Evaluations.
PerformanceEvaluationRatingThe summary rating for a Performance Evaluation across all Evaluation instruments for an individual educator.
RubricDimensionThe cells of a rubric, consisting of a qualitative decription, definition, or exemplar with the associated rubric rating and rating level.
School - ExtendedThis entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
SurveyResponse - ExtendedResponses to a Survey for named or anonymous persons.
SurveyResponsePersonTargetAssociationThe association provides information about the survey being taken and who the survey is about.
SurveySectionResponsePersonTargetAssociationThis association provides information about the survey section and the person the survey section is about.

Extended References​

EducationOrganizationThis entity represents any public or private institution, organization, or agency that provides instructional or support services to students or staff at any level.
PersonThis entity represents a human being.
PostSecondaryInstitutionAn organization that provides educational programs for individuals who have completed or otherwise left educational programs in secondary school(s).
SectionThis entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided, in-person or otherwise, to one or more students for a given period of time. A course offering may be offered to more than one section.
StudentThis entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services, and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary, or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.
StudentAcademicRecordThis educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.
SurveySectionResponseOptional information about the responses provided for a section of a survey.

TPDM Domain Descriptors​

EntityNameDescriptionUsage ClassificationEDFacts MappingCommonly UsedCommonly State-Defined
EducatorPreparationProgramAccreditationStatusAccreditation Status for a Teacher Preparation Provider.Standard
FinancialAidAidTypeThis descriptor defines the classification of financial aid awarded to a person for the academic term/year.Orthodox
CredentialCertificationRouteThe process, program, or pathway used to obtain a certification.Orthodox
PerformanceEvaluationRatingCoteachingStyleObservedA type of co-teaching observed as part of the performance evaluation.Standard
CredentialCredentialStatusThe current status of the credential.Standard
CredentialEducatorRoleThe role authorized by the Credential or Certification (e.g., Principal, Reading Specialist), typically associated with service and administrative certifications.Standard
CandidateEnglishLanguageExamIndicates that a person passed, failed, or did not take an English Language assessment.Standard
CandidateEducatorPreparationProgramAssociationEPPProgramPathwayThe description of the program pathway, for example: Residency, Internship, TraditionalStandard
EvaluationElementRatingEvaluationElementRatingLevelRating levels for Evaluation Elements.Flexible
PerformanceEvaluationEvaluationPeriodThe period for the evaluation.Orthodox







EvaluationRatingLevelRating levels for Evaluations.Flexible
EvaluationRatingEvaluationRatingStatusRepresents the status of a Evaluation Rating.Standard


EvaluationTypeThe type of the evaluation (e.g., observation, principal, peer, student survey, student growth).Standard
CandidateGenderA person's gender.Orthodox
ObjectiveRatingLevelRating levels for Evaluation Objectives.Flexible
PerformanceEvaluationRatingPerformanceEvaluationRatingLevelRating levels for Performance Evaluations.Flexible
PerformanceEvaluationPerformanceEvaluationTypeThe type of performance evaluation conducted (e.g., walkthrough, summative).Orthodox
RubricDimensionRubricRatingLevelRating levels for Rubric Dimensions.Flexible

See Non-normative Descriptor Classifications for more information on Usage Classification.