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Student Equity Solution Guide

About the Student Equity Solution Guide

The Student Equity Starter Kit is a step-by-step guide designed to help local education agencies, AKA school districts, understand, analyze and take supportive actions with data to uncover gaps in students’ access and participation in your school's educational offerings..

This Solution Guide for Student Equity helps Student Information System vendors take the necessary steps to provide districts with the data needed to power the starter kit.  

Vendor support for student equity encompasses the following steps:

  • Learn. The Ed-Fi website has detail on Student Equity, and information about how others in the Ed-Fi Community have addressed the problem. Read more about how to Solution Guide on
  • Develop. Add Ed-Fi capabilities to your product to support customers addressing chronic absenteeism. You will find the Student Equity Starter Kit Vendor Developer Guide below.
  • Test. To fully realize the benefits of the Student Equity Starter Kit, and ensure your solution is field ready, we recommend selecting and working with an existing district customer to test your integration in a live, Ed-Fi implementation of the starter kit. Securing a district customer will allow you a reference point for future adoptees of this starter kit. Working with a local district agency is not required but it is strongly recommended.
  • Certify. For vendor organizations that have completed integration with the starter kit using the vendor developer guide, apply for the API Domain Certification so you may be listed as a verified partner on
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Want to know more before you begin? The Ed-Fi website has detail on identifying detail on identifying whether students have equitable access to academic programs, experienced teachers as well as equitable discipline and grading outcomes.  You can also find information about how others in the Ed-Fi Community have addressed the problem. Link: Read more about School Districts and Solution Guide on

Let's Get Started

This developer guide describes the processes for a Student Information System to develop the functionality in their platform to provide data to an Ed-Fi API to power the Student Equity Starter Kit.

Student Equity Vendor Developer Guide

The Guide is divided into three sections. We recommend you go through the following sections and subsections in order, but welcome you to skip forward when you are already knowledgeable on the topic.

I. Getting Data Flowing

This first section presents the basic information to allow you to interact with the Ed-Fi API and get some early data flowing in a development setup.

II. Understanding Ed-Fi APIs

This section explains design features specific to Ed-Fi APIs and how to integrate with them. After completing this section, you should have the knowledge to connect your system to an Ed-Fi API and successfully transmit larger amounts of data.

III. Tools and Best Practices

This section provides information on tools and best practices to assist in your development and in the long-term maintenance and health of supporting organizations using the Student Equity Starter Kit.