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"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."Β -Confucius
The information in this section explores the Ed-Fi API. It is designed to help new developers learn the basics necessary to do a few initial transactions with the API.
Rather than talk about data exchanges, let's see some in action. The following brief activities will allow you to see data flowing using an Ed-Fi API Sandbox.
These activities use a browser-based toolkit called Swagger UI. This toolkit allows your browser to send requests to the API and receive responses from the API. You can access the Ed-Fi ODS / API sandbox at You can read more about Swagger UI here.
These activities use the Ed-Fi ODS implementation of the Ed-Fi API. Note that this implementation is only one possible implementation of the API and not the API itself (see Overview of Ed-Fi Standards and TechnologyΒ on this point).