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Technology Providers - Implementation Playbook

Tech provider playbook cover image

Welcome to the Playbook​

Welcome to the Ed-Fi playbook for technology providers in the K–12 ecosystem! This information is intended to help you understand the major aspects of building data system integrations using the Ed-Fi Data Standard.

There are two intended audiences for the this playbook:

  • The first three sections are for anyone who works at a K–12 technology company interested in Ed-Fi.
  • The remaining sections are for software developers (though business analysts may find them helpful too).

Ed-Fi Academy Content​

If you haven’t already completed:

We recommend these resources for those very new to Ed-Fi - they will assist in digesting the information presented in the playbook.

Playbook Content​

Section 1: Technology Providers - Project Planning

Section 2: Technology Providers - Data Governance

Section 3: Technology Providers - Implementation

Section 4: Technology Providers - Support

Section 5: Specifics by Provider Type

Common Use Case Solution Guides​