Guides & Documentation
This section contains informational resources such as best practices, documentation, data mapping, example files, templates, and so forth.
📄️ Data Governance and Management – Best Practices Research
📄️ Deploying the Ed-Fi ODS API 6x on Azure
📄️ Documentation for Essential Questions of Assessment Outcomes - EQ 29
Pittsburgh Public Schools
📄️ Ed-Fi Model RFP
📄️ Ed-Fi ODS/API 6.x Sandbox mode on Azure
This document explains how to take a custom Ed-Fi ODS/API 6.x build with extensions and implement them on Azure infrastructure in Sandbox mode.
📄️ EPDM Implementation Resources
📄️ Guide for setting up a custom Ed-Fi build
EdFi implementations fall into two categories, ‘vanilla’ implementations that do not have any extensions and can be deployed from the binaries that are supplied by EdFi, and ‘custom’ implementations that have extensions and seed data are require that Ed-Fi be built from source. This document describes one common approach for setting up your source code control for these custom implementations. These recommendations are applicable for all versions of Ed-Fi from 3.2 – 6.1.
📄️ How to configure SMTP Email Connection on a Sandbox server
📄️ How To: Create a TeamCity Build for the Ed-Fi ODS/API - Suite 3
📄️ How to fix SQL Server certificate issues with 6.1
WIth the latest (tags/v6.1-patch2) branch of 6.1, lots of folks are seeing SQL Server Certificate errors during the initdev process. The following work-around can be used until the community has had a chance to come up with some guidance on best practices for trusting SQL Server certificates.
📄️ How To: Run Ed-Fi on Google Cloud
Marcos Alcozer
📄️ How To: Setup an Octopus Deploy of the Ed-Fi ODS/API - Suite 3
📄️ Monitoring Sandbox Activity
During the stage of an implementation where different vendors and districts are interfacing with their own sandbox ODS instances, it can be challenging to track what resources have been submitted by which parties. The attached script will loop through the ODS instances on a MS Sql Server database, and for each instance it will look at a collection of tables to see how many records have been submitted and when the latest submissions (either as updates or inserts) were. These results are sent to a temporary table, and at the end of the query the temporary table is deleted.
📄️ Practical Advice for using profiles with API versions 5.3 and 6.0
This document lists some lessons-learned that the customer success team has come across in our use of the Profile feature that we did not find in the documentation. This should be considered a supplement to the documentation API Profiles and How To: Add Profiles to the Ed-Fi ODS / API Solution.
📄️ How to: Deploy the Ed-Fi ODS / API v3.4 in Google Cloud Using Images
This "How to" guide was made possible thanks to the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation.
📄️ Quick Deploy of Ed-Fi ODS / API Development Server using Amazon Machine Images
📄️ Quick Deploy of Ed-Fi ODS / API Development Server using Google Cloud VM Image (v3.4)
📄️ The North Allegheny Ed-Fi Survey Data Loader
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